evil culture

How it works

leadership with eviL culture


A Leadership meeting should take place every 3-4 months.

It does not need to be an additional meeting to the businesses existing meetings.

The purpose to begin with would be to develop and agree what a ‘Programme’ looks/sounds/feels like.

After that it would be to keep updating where it was at and how to keep evolving it has the expectations of the industry changes
Some organisations take advantage of having these when they may be starting a new project and would like to get the senior members focused and collaborating with each other.

This sets up the projects for success and aligns everyone commitments creating the right culture from the beginning.


It is always recommended that some sort of research/bench marking is done prior to cultural work being done. This gives information to help the leadership understand areas of focus. See research section for more detail of offerings.

Work on site

Something that is unique to eviL culture, the team work on the ‘tools’ whether that be on site in a trench or in an office. We are comfortable getting our PPE on and embed ourselves within the teams. This builds relationships and trust. People tend to be more open regarding the true culture of the business when you earn their respect. This is a continuous offering not just at the start.

Workforce engagement is key to eviL’s success, with 20 years working on sites across a variety of sectors and for the last 10 years managed the successful roll out of a cultural programme, developing modules to get all roles in a business to think differently about the way they work and create a thriving culture. In our experience across various sectors and organisations, communication is always seen as an area that can be improved when teams give their feedback. Do all your messages that you share across your organisation land? Are they always taken on board in the same way? And do you always get exactly the response or feedback you were looking for?

blu-3 eviL culture full programme
By taking a more practical simplified no nonsense approach eviL culture is able to help get the messages to land with all levels of an organisation. This tends to be because of the relationship building done whilst working side by side with people.
eviL culture foundation

Foundation session

Every company that opts to go down this route will have their very own bespoke module. We pride ourselves on making sure the fundamentals of the day are the same but making sure that no two session is the same. We work with the organisations to design the module to make sure it best fits their needs to tackle the issues raised from the research.
The foundation day is a motivational cultural workshop that enables individuals to restructure their beliefs and consider their attitudes about safety, themselves, their working practices and ultimately better understand the day-to-day choices they make in the workplace.
At evil we have recognised that using a ‘coaching approach’ combined with reverse mentoring from core teams is a fundamental requirement for a sustainable positive cultural change as the workshop impacts everything we do. The key to understanding this is the development of a deep knowledge of why people make the choices they do – especially in the workplace.
The foundation day is an energising event that all staff, your clients and supply chain personnel will find invigorating and thought provoking. This is the opportunity to go far beyond “behavioural” safety. It has been designed to get everyone talking a common language in your business and will cover:


Just like the foundation session this module is designed bespoke to the needs of business. The design process involves sitting with the senior managers to ask what their challenges with the supervisors are. We then sit with a select number of supervisors and ask them what they would like to see improve. This session has been developed to assist your frontline supervisors and managers in developing their skills.
As your business grows it is important that your people grow with you. People in these roles tend to have come from the core team, then promoted into a position and expected to supervise people. The industry has always had a focus on developing people to ensure they have the knowledge and practical skills to fulfil their roles. This module has been developed to compliment these skills. This allows individuals to understand how they influence the team around them and help understand their leadership style.

The basis of the session aims to cover:

  • Styles of approach
  • Briefing with impact
  • Building Rapport
  • Affective engagement
  • Feedback techniques.
supervisor management with eviL culture

Sustainability sessions

Having a one-off foundation day or supervisor/manager session is good, that would never be sustainable though. Every 3-4 months it’s about designing small 1–2-hour sessions that uses the core information and targeting the areas of focus needed in the business at that specific time. These areas would be agreed at the leadership team meetings.
  • Areas that have been covered in the past that have proven to be successful.
  • Summer/winter campaigns – get people focused as they approach each season.
  • Buried services – using the language from the foundation get people to understand the risk once they have broken ground.
  • Functional support – taking people from support function out to sites to meet the teams and discuss what they do for the business and how the teams may be able to help them in their roles. Break down office/site divide.

  • In-house employee – find someone in the business who gets trained up to understand the role of a coach. Long term they carry the batten of culture and implement what is learned from eviL culture. Someone from the business delivering to the business.

  • Site support – having a member of the eviL culture team retained in the business once a week and they mentor the in-house employee and are able to deliver any business messages. They continue the work of being on the ‘Tools’ and sustain the learning of how they can put it all in to practice in the real world.

eviL mind

Mental health affects around 1 in 6 people in any given week, with individuals experiencing common problems such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

This means individuals are facing these problems while at work, and research in 2018-19, found stress, depression and anxiety were responsible for 44% of all work-related ill health and 54% of all working days lost due to health. The Covid-19 pandemic and the work-from-home instruction blurred the line between work and personal life, increasing the likelihood of individuals facing mental health challenges.

The eviL Mind module is designed to educate and provide individuals with tools and techniques to keep their mind healthy and boost resilience.

There is a general acceptance that to be fit and healthy, one must be conscious of the food they eat and the exercise they complete. We even employ personal trainers and nutritionists to advise us, spending money on gym memberships and diet sign-ups.

These are all ways people can be proactive in improving their physical health, but we don’t extend the same time, money, and effort towards our mental health.

What we feed our minds, and how we train it, will determine the outcomes we have.

Using the psychological benefits of spending time outside in nature, we invite attendees to go on a walk with one of our trainers, and at checkpoints, information is delivered on the many ways attendees can be proactive and improve their mental health.

Attendees are given the chance to try out techniques founded in DBT and Mindfulness that can be easily applied to our daily routine.

Between these checkpoints, attendees are provided with opportunities to build or strengthen friendships with others in their group.

eviL equality

Whatever their role within your organisation, across all industries, all employees should be aware of the Equality Act 2010, its importance and how it is implemented in the UK.

  1. Age 
  2. Disability
  3. Gender reassignment 
  4. Marriage and civil partnership
  5. Pregnancy and maternity
  6. Race
  7. Religion or belief
  8. Sex
  9. Sexual orientation

Using interactive and engaging methods, our eviL equality module educates your teams about the nine protected characteristics of the Equality Act 2010. During the 4-hour session, our trainers will also facilitate discussion around each area, encouraging individuals to explore their own innate biases and stereotyping.

Creating an open and inclusive workplace, where employees are treated with respect, can boost morale, improve staff retention, and even enhance your organisation’s reputation. Friendlier working environments will typically increase overall performance and productivity, and eviL can help guide your organisation to being an inclusive workplace for all. 

‘Treat people how you would like to be treated’

Years Experience
0 +
Team Members
0 +

everything bespoke


5star cultural change consultant